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Featured Product
Custom SmartBrief - Dedicated Email
The IIA Custom SmartBrief puts your company front and center in an exclusive email blast to over 50,000 IIA opt-in subscribers! Communicate directly with prospects on your own terms with 100% share-of-voice and complete control of design, content, and subject line. We send only a limited quantity of these high-impact messages to keep reader engagement high.
Internal Auditor Digital Magazine
Internal Auditor digital magazine offers an excellent platform to position your company in front of decision makers in the internal audit profession.
Website Advertising
Drive traffic to your site and increase your brand awareness with our run of site website advertising opportunities. Geo-targeting and segmenting opportunities are available!
Webinar sponsorships offer multiple promotional exposure points that allow you to share your message with thousands of people every month.
Sponsored Retargeting
Tap into The IIA’s exclusive network for guaranteed specific exposure to the exact qualified audience you’re trying to reach.